Two community workers sit with a young man with Downs Syndrome working together on a laptop

13/09/2023 NASP webinar: A multi faith exploration into social prescribing

Many communities across the country will have active faith groups at the heart of many community activities. Churches, mosques, synagogues and other places and communities of worship have their own strong community networks, and often host other activities for the wider community: from foodbanks to lunch clubs to wellbeing groups. This webinar explored the power of faith in connecting communities through social prescribing, focusing on a variety of faiths, following on from the Churches and Social Prescribing webinar on 5th December 2022.   


Hear from Nishkam Civic Association, Waltham Forest Islamic Association and Jami UK about their social prescribing projects.    


This webinar covers specific examples of how social prescribing can work within a faith setting.    


This will be particularly useful for:    

  • Anyone in the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector with an interest in social prescribing  
  • Social Prescribing Link Workers  
  • NHS, government and arms-length body staff  



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