07/03/2022 Webinar: Addressing health inequalities

Our health is closely bound with social and economic aspects of our lives: from where we are born, live and work, to our educational opportunities, income and influence. These social factors lead to inequalities in health and wellbeing across different people and communities, both in access to healthcare, and in the opportunities we have to live healthy lives. 

Community groups, health professionals, and national charities have always been at the heart of tackling inequalities. But what is the role of social prescribing in addressing health inequalities?

How can the unique position of link workers support people who are affected by inequality? How can local groups use data to focus on the people and communities most at risk? What does the evidence say about who is benefiting from social prescribing and who is missing out?

This webinar is for:

Anyone interested in or involved with social prescribing. You might be from:

  • A community or voluntary group

  • A charity or organisation wanting to get more involved with social prescribing

  • The health sector either working in or commissioning social prescribing

  • A local infrastructure organisation

  • Local government

  • An arms-length body or government department


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